3rd Avenue, 83, Manhattan

Mon-fri: 08.00 - 18.00

Energy and

quality of life

Energy, gender

and household roles

Energy services


Energy services

privation and poverty

We are concerned with energy access and sustainable use at homes

Worldwide, energy is crucial to improve human conditions and well-being. Technical and cultural elements shape the level, diversity and sustainability of uses given to energy at homes. Our research group at the Institute of Advanced Energy (Kyoto University) is concerned with key socio-cultural domains structuring residential energy use. In this portal, you will find information on our investigations about the relationship between energy use and quality of life; energy, gender and household roles; and energy services and poverty.

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Electrification brings mixed effects on quality of life subdomains. Most are positive but some are negative as well.

Energy and

quality of life

Inclusive households and consented decision-making associates with more efficient-appliance purchasing intention.

- Energy, gender and

household roles

The cultural reasons behind firewood use are absent in current energy efficiency debates in the Global South.

Energy services


Through the lens of energy services, we discovered inadequate access and profound inequalities masked below universal electrification

Energy services

privation and poverty


Energy and quality of life

Despite the efforts to achieve universal electric accaess by 2030, as of 2021 more than 850 million people live without electricity in vast and remote areas in the developing world.

Energy, gender and household roles

As one component of household energy services, the use of efficient appliances is another essential part to reduce energy use and carbon footprints in the residential sector.

Energy services characterisation

Energy, appliances, and home features are critical constituents of energy services that are fundamental for human well-being.

Energy services privation and poverty

The development of methods for measuring deprivation of energy services in connection with socioeconomic and geographic dimensions is a fundamental issue for sustainability and energy policy design.


Take a look at my projects

Energy services characterisation

Energy, appliances, and goods in the household are fundamental constituents of energy services necessary for human wellbeing.

Energy services privation and poverty

Using energy services specified by the characterisation studies, another section of our project targets the measurement of energy services privation...

Energy and quality of life

Despite the efforts to achieve universal electric accaess by 2030, as of 2021 more than 850 million people live without electricity in vast and remote areas in the developing world.


Recent Articles

Fieldwork in Guanajuato (Mexico)

A research article accepted for publication in the Journal of Energy Policy (Elsevier). The paper is entitled “Energy services’ access deprivation in Mexico: A geographic, climatic and social perspective”.

UNAM ENES Leon Presentation

Dr. Jordi Cravioto gave a talk to High School students from the Super Science Program at Zeze High School, Japan.

Data-in-brief (Elsevier) article

An open-access article describing and providing access to research data on energy services deprivation in Mexico was accepted for publication in…

Energy Policy (Elsevier) article

A research article accepted for publication in the Journal of Energy Policy (Elsevier). The paper is entitled “Energy services’ access deprivation in Mexico: A geographic, climatic and social perspective”.

DASU year-end seminar

Jordi Cravioto gave a talk to colleagues of the Data Science Unit at the Centre for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University.

Field survey in Indonesia

Mr. Yuka Asmara and Taufiq Hidayat conducted fieldwork in Java, Indonesia.